The House
Every morning I break down the house, where I lived. Every morning I build it again wider and airier. (Emanuel von Bodman)
Garnet Köning
The House
Every morning I break down the house, where I lived. Every morning I build it again wider and airier. (Emanuel von Bodman)
Black & White Photo Contest
The House
Every morning I break down the house, where I lived. Every morning I build it again wider and airier. (Emanuel von Bodman)
About Artist
Garnet Köning
Garnet started her career as a assistance of photography at the maul und belser studios nürnberg and pforzheim, followed by an apprenticeship as photographer at studio ro, fürth. afterwards she worked at studio ro (product and fashion) for 5 years. since 2013 she is a freelance photographer working for different customs. In her free works she likes to show her thoughts about humans and the world we live in, intending people to discuss and rethink habits. exhibitions and awards: 2017 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Atelier-und Werkstatttage" 2017 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Open Theme ) 2018 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual ) 2018 Participant of "Kunstschimmer" in Ulm 2019 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual ) 2019 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Ateliertage" 2019 Taking part of Exibition "Extinctuan Manuel" 2020 Climate Window with Greenpeace, Erlangen 2021 zerowasteart , Nürnberg + Berlin + Regensburg 2022 Yeah Festival, München Ideenexpo + Expowal with Mosaik Management , Hannover
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