Boyhood series is a narrative visual confession which maps both personal and mediated experiences.
Boyhood series is a narrative visual confession which maps both personal and mediated experiences.
One Shot Photo Contest
2022Honorable Mention
Fine Art
Boyhood series is a narrative visual confession which maps both personal and mediated experiences.
About Artist
Martin Stranka
Martin Stranka, a native of the Czech Republic who lives in Prague, is a self-taught professional photographer, born on April 13 1984. Martin was a bored student plodding through courses in business school when the unexpected lost of a close friend led him to pursue photography as a form of therapy. That hobby turned into a passion and, eventually, a profession. His distinctive vision of photography is etched as a unique space located in a balance and serenity, while his sophisticated and rewarding images exist in that narrow window of a few seconds between dreaming and awakening. Martin creates images that appear to be stills from a film — one that walks the line between fantasy and reality.
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