I felt the dynamism of nature in the strong leaves that kept growing in the darkness.
Takahashi Hiroto
I felt the dynamism of nature in the strong leaves that kept growing in the darkness.
Black & White Photo Contest
2023People’s Vote Award
Fine Art
Non Professional
People’s Vote Award
Non Professional
Honorable Mention
Fine Art
Non Professional
Non Professional
I felt the dynamism of nature in the strong leaves that kept growing in the darkness.
About Artist
Takahashi Hiroto
My born in 2001 and is 22 years old. He was born with a heart disease and has been unable to exercise since he was a child. He discovered cameras just before entering junior high school. At first, she only wanted to preserve her memories, Recently, she has been taking pictures with the motto of "I hope my pictures bring a smile to people's faces and cheer them up, even if only a little. I have been taking pictures with the motto, "I hope my photos bring a smile and cheer people up, even if only a little. Recently, she has received international awards and her activities are expanding. Awards Natural Lancscape Photography Awards 2023:Intimate Landscape/Winner WPE Awards 2023:Secound Half/Silver Awards International Photography Awards 2023:Honorable Mention 2022:Official Selection 2021:Honorable Mention Euaropean Photography Awards 2023:Honorable Mention London Photography Awards 2023:Gold Winner Muse Photography Awards 2023:Gold Winner Japan Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture Jionji Fireworks Display Photo Contest 2023:Excellence Award 2022:Grand Prize 2021:Honorable Mention "Nihon Camera" magazine photo contest 2020:Web category: Silver Prize 2019:Web category:Awarded a prize.
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