Waiting for God
An entry to Tintern Abbey in Wales, UK.
Gregory Fortier
Waiting for God
An entry to Tintern Abbey in Wales, UK.
One Shot Photo Contest
Waiting for God
An entry to Tintern Abbey in Wales, UK.
About Artist
Gregory Fortier
I have always been a photographer. I've always seen the world in light and shadow and color and composition. Although I miss shooting film, I love Digital for the ability to be able to truly get results as I see them. I work for a portrait studio full time to fund my joy of photographing nature and trying to sell my work. One definitely pays better then the other but I am in constant hope that one day I will get discovered and be able to share how I see the world with others on a much larger scale. I know there are different camps in the photography world, but I am a proud Nikon guy and always will be. Most of my work is of my corner of the world here in New England but I have some works from the UK, DC and WDW. (If you know, you know)
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