Surrounded by Mountains
World Photo Annual
Non Professional
Surrounded by Mountains
About Artist
Marie Veran
Marie Véran is a black-and-white photographer born in Québec, Canada. Her photos are mainly composed with light grey tones because she wants to show that black and white can be soft and festive. Her art is influenced by the post-minimalist movement. Indeed, her subjects are often related to simple elements found in our immediate surroundings, shown without sophisticated image processing. This way, she hopes to encourage people to pay more attention to the aesthetic features we can see in everyday life. Finally, protecting the environment in a broad sense and promoting a life focused as much as possible on simplicity and minimalism are two of her mantras. In 2023 and 2024, Marie won a Silver Award and a Bronze Award in the PX3 Prix de la Photographie de Paris and a third place in the IPA International Photography Awards. She was also selected for the Venice Photo Lab, as well as for several exhibitions by The Glasgow Gallery of Photography. In 2022, she was finalist at the Siena International Photo Awards and she participated in the Uppsala Fotofestival in Sweden with her exhibition “Unnoticed Moments”. Being both Canadian and French, she can often be found somewhere between North America and Europe.
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