Roberto Moccini Formiga

Roberto Moccini Formiga

Orca Realm

An orca takes a deep breath after surfacing in the Norwegian northern fjords.


World Photo Annual





Orca Realm

An orca takes a deep breath after surfacing in the Norwegian northern fjords.

About Artist

Roberto Moccini Formiga

My name is Roberto Moccini Formiga. I was born in 1980 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I was very fortunate to be born next to the ocean. Growing up in Rio made the sea part of my life, from bodysurfing with friends at my early age to the very first dives which later sparked in me the will to document my adventures through underwater photography. Down there lies a blue world. As you descent time as we know it seems to stop. After the first ten meters all colors start to fade away and from that point on everything is presented in shades of black and blue. Peace, silence and pressure... What an incredible feeling! Although we humans are not part of the underwater world, eventually the ocean accept us and it feels like home. Other times we are clearly not invited and then we wait, respectfully, for another opportunity. That uncertainty might be frustrating sometimes but it is intrinsically correlated to the whole experience and a fundamental part that contributes to the magic. The thrill to witness with my own eyes the beauty of life in our oceans led me to this lifetime project which makes me visit so many remote places in our amazing Blue Planet. Photography and diving are an important part of my life. Sometimes can be difficult to keep it going, but the pursuit of my vision pushes me to go further and deeper. My work summarizes my relationship with the oceans. I have a great passion for black and white photography and eventually I developed my own way to represent my subjects. This artistic choice allows me to focus only on the essentials, not bounded by a literal representation in color. Light and shadows, texture and shapes is what I look for when creating an image. I want my photography to represent what actually feels to be underwater with all those magnificent animals.

Roberto Moccini Formiga

Photographic Areas of Focus

Underwater, Wildlife



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