Victor Schut

Victor Schut

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Museums from a detailed view

An Escher like view of museum buildings in detail, minimalistic abstract. Museums have more to show and appreciate than the art they display


World Photo Annual




Non Professional


Fine Art

Non Professional

Museums from a detailed view

An Escher like view of museum buildings in detail, minimalistic abstract. Museums have more to show and appreciate than the art they display

About Artist

Victor Schut

Photography has captured my interest from a young age and it has become an important and fun part of my life. Since 2015 I reconnected with it and seriously started a focus on spending time on creating work, self-educating on technique and finding my style. Most of the time I look to capture things from a more detailed frame which results in the viewer wondering what it really is. Transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary, I find joy in viewing everyday perspectives from unique angles. Focus often lies in capturing intricate details, inviting viewers to wonder about the essence of what they see. My daily work has taken me to a lot of different places and my camera is always in my bag. While I am mostly active as a biotech entrepreneur my aim is to spend more and more time on photography increasing my body of work and getting that out to the public.

Victor Schut

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Architecture, Fine Art, Minimalism



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