Mountain of Fire
A close-up of a newly created crater at the Geldingadalir eruption in Iceland. This was taken just hours after the eruption began.
Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove
Mountain of Fire
A close-up of a newly created crater at the Geldingadalir eruption in Iceland. This was taken just hours after the eruption began.
One Shot Photo Contest
Mountain of Fire
A close-up of a newly created crater at the Geldingadalir eruption in Iceland. This was taken just hours after the eruption began.
About Artist
Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove
I’m a Belgian nature photographer who specialises in photographing wildlife and landscapes with great passion. I have been living in Iceland since 2016, using it as my base to explore and capture the raw beauty of the land of fire and ice and the Arctic region in its entirety.
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