Rays of light filter childhood memories. Carefree laughter, a young girl with long braids, endless days of joy in the hot summer sun. We never understood that we would grow old, that these childhood memories would become gold.
Mona Jumaan
Rays of light filter childhood memories. Carefree laughter, a young girl with long braids, endless days of joy in the hot summer sun. We never understood that we would grow old, that these childhood memories would become gold.
One Shot Photo Contest
Rays of light filter childhood memories. Carefree laughter, a young girl with long braids, endless days of joy in the hot summer sun. We never understood that we would grow old, that these childhood memories would become gold.
About Artist
Mona Jumaan
I am a self taught photographer, traveller and freelance travel writer based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. My interest in photography started 8 years ago. I have travelled a lot over the last few years to see the world and to further develop my photography skills by attending photography workshops focused mostly on landscapes, portrait and night photography. Combining my passions, I aspire to create photos that connect the viewer to the places I have visited and experience what I have experienced firsthand.
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