Mega Stag
There is something so amazing about stags, you can't take your eyes off them, this image was 6 months in the making
Graeme Purdy
Mega Stag
There is something so amazing about stags, you can't take your eyes off them, this image was 6 months in the making
One Shot Photo Contest
Mega Stag
There is something so amazing about stags, you can't take your eyes off them, this image was 6 months in the making
About Artist
Graeme Purdy
Despite two thirds of the world being covered in seas and oceans, we know so little about this world. Our lack of understanding is partly driven by the remoteness and challenges in experiencing these environments. We are often content with near-shore sea life experiences: coral or rocks can bring some degree of reliable experience. But our deep oceans remain other worldly. I have been driven, and inspired, to photograph these places. To show the beauty in the oceans and seas is our first step in connecting with the wildlife that lives there. There are many conservation issues threatening the seas and oceans, but first, we need to understand more: connect and then act. I hope this collection brings the beauty and the challenges of the oceans to the forefront of the viewer's mind. I hope we do more.
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