I have visually recreated my state of mind living through coercive control by my stalker. I have constructed scenes in the same rooms I became confined to. Instead of my stalker, you now take his place.
Skye Galvin
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I have visually recreated my state of mind living through coercive control by my stalker. I have constructed scenes in the same rooms I became confined to. Instead of my stalker, you now take his place.
Black & White Photo Contest
I have visually recreated my state of mind living through coercive control by my stalker. I have constructed scenes in the same rooms I became confined to. Instead of my stalker, you now take his place.
About Artist
Skye Galvin
My name is Skye Galvin and I am an autobiographical and commerical photographer specialising in self portraiture. I create imagery in reaction to events that have or currently occur within my life. My photography is an exploration of worldwide issues such as trauma, stalking and memory portrayed through a personal perspective. Through self-portraiture I have visually recreated my state of mind living through coercive control by my stalker. I have constructed scenes in the same rooms I became confined to. Instead of my stalker, you now take his place. The point at which coercion becomes illegal is being thoroughly debated around the world. In my life, I never understood how someone could control someone with nothing but words, until it became my reality.Stalking is stereotyped by the media as admirable. I now wish to show what is rarely portrayed by the media, the aftermath left behind. Most people know me as Skye, but this series unveiled my true identity of actually being called Emma. Skye is another layer I can hide behind, for now he may be gone, but for me he always remains. Today, we are living in a self surveillance society and being watched more than ever before, from the spy cam porn epidemic currently happening in Korea to our phones tracking each move we make or the surveillance cameras above our heads. Due to this I would like to leave you with one final question, while you are watching me, who is watching you?
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