when the landscape is escaping from man activity on nature: it fixes itself on swirling panels to preserve (at least) its "soul" and getting archived in a parallel dimension ...
Salvatore Balice
when the landscape is escaping from man activity on nature: it fixes itself on swirling panels to preserve (at least) its "soul" and getting archived in a parallel dimension ...
One Shot Photo Contest
when the landscape is escaping from man activity on nature: it fixes itself on swirling panels to preserve (at least) its "soul" and getting archived in a parallel dimension ...
About Artist
Salvatore Balice
Architectural interior designer and interdisciplinary artist. All my works go beyond the purely phenomenal worldly character of expression. They are the product of an individual research that I have been carrying out for more than twenty years, where the direct intuition of the thing itself, that is of the essence, is my only path. Like a hollow bamboo inside, I make space inside myself to listen to what resounds without sound overwhelming the voice of the din, to no longer visit but be visited, especially by silence … Quoting Carlo Sini on J. Derrida: “we cannot say what we have to say because it means that every saying is already a writing, it is already a writing that is originally silent, that has no “arché”, has no beginning; it is rooted in not being able, not wanting, not having to say ". I am interested in the halo of the image, in the impermanence of the structure. Basically, I translate into images those traces of the obstinate noisy stream of everyday life that tenaciously prevents silence from visiting me, and, when it happens, I translate the silence itself into images.
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