Scott Lee

Scott Lee



World Photo Annual






About Artist

Scott Lee

Who am I I’m a simple man with a complex vision. When I look at the world I’m constantly doing so in the eyes of an artist. Where some people may see an ordinary tree for instance, I see a tree weathered with years of character and history, and then that tree becomes art in nature. I was born and raised in Colorado, which has afforded me the blessing of all the beauties that our state, nature, and people have to offer as a colorful and diverse palette of artistic inspiration. I developed my interest in art at a very young age and have put pen or pencil to paper since I was about four years old. I have been married since 1991 and my wife and family continue to be the center of my focus. Through the eyes of my grandchildren I see an innocence and freedom of being, and through my wife’s eyes I see the love in all that surrounds us, and through the eyes or should I say perspective of my elder generation that is where I see the true character of the person. When it comes to my actual illustration my preference is to draw people in the most realistic depth possible, capturing their emotion and their character; attention to detail is critical. I feel that when you look at an illustration of a person you should be able see in to their eyes as if you know them and what they may be feeling emotionally. My other artistic impression is of course in the purest form of nature, capturing the lighting, the weather, and the spectacular surroundings. My medium of choice is charcoal or pen in shades of black and white. I simply believe that I can capture every detail and character of my subjects with the control of a charcoal pencil. I can and have done many other medium varieties such as oils and acrylics. Overall life is my canvas I know that seems cliché but there’s really no other inspiration. It was much later in life that I took up photography and brought art to print through the lens of my camera. I enjoy photography with a deep passion. Traditional portraits of people and events are fun to put life’s memories on print. However, fine art photography is my personal favorite. I do believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; and it is my hope that you too can feel the depth and emotions of each piece of my work. Not every piece will be in the taste of every person but that is the joy of being an individual with individual taste. Take the time to truly SEE and you too will be the artist in your life.

Scott Lee

Photographic Areas of Focus

Alternative Process, Event & Wedding, Fine Art, Food & Drink, Macro, Nature, People, Portrait


United States of America

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