Amboseli is known for its large elephant herds and views of immense Mount Kilimanjaro. Over 200 calves were born in 2020. Heffalump was captured on a camera trap while the herd crossed the dry lake bed.
Amboseli is known for its large elephant herds and views of immense Mount Kilimanjaro. Over 200 calves were born in 2020. Heffalump was captured on a camera trap while the herd crossed the dry lake bed.
One Shot Photo Contest
2022Honorable Mention
Non Professional
Amboseli is known for its large elephant herds and views of immense Mount Kilimanjaro. Over 200 calves were born in 2020. Heffalump was captured on a camera trap while the herd crossed the dry lake bed.
About Artist
Deanna DeShea
Deanna, an award-winning female photographer, embarks on solo expeditions to the untamed corners of Africa, capturing the essence of the continent’s last remaining wild places. Her advocacy for wildlife is boldly reflected in her art, capturing the raw and untamed spirit of the animal kingdom with a powerful resonance that leaves an indelible mark on all who experience it. Deanna’s acclaimed artistry serves as a beacon of inspiration, brilliantly illuminating the intricate details of each composition through the masterful interplay of negative space, timeless monochrome, and organic hues
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