Funny man in Phone Box.
From the Series: Black Sun and Drak Rainbows. Within bright, grimy architectural spaces of darkness and light, I reveal the streets of Brighton as funny and sad, progressive and regressive, shocking and even more shocking.
Paul Hynes-Allen
Funny man in Phone Box.
From the Series: Black Sun and Drak Rainbows. Within bright, grimy architectural spaces of darkness and light, I reveal the streets of Brighton as funny and sad, progressive and regressive, shocking and even more shocking.
One Shot Photo Contest
Funny man in Phone Box.
From the Series: Black Sun and Drak Rainbows. Within bright, grimy architectural spaces of darkness and light, I reveal the streets of Brighton as funny and sad, progressive and regressive, shocking and even more shocking.
About Artist
Paul Hynes-Allen
With subjects captured In architectural spaces of darkness and light, Paul Hynes-Allen's work is funny and sad, progressive and regressive, shocking and even more shocking. Paul's images celebrate cultural change and bear testament to social collapse. Full of love and hate, empathy and vengeance, contrast and contradiction. His everyday shopping centers are full of banality and Myth, as Hynes-Allen presents humanity in a way that is graphically true but somewhat absurd.
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