Mark Zilberman

Mark Zilberman

Easter Day Parade, Manhattan, 2015


One Shot Photo Contest





Easter Day Parade, Manhattan, 2015

About Artist

Mark Zilberman

My photography journey has bookended my life. My first experience was when I was 6 years old. My mother was taking my brother and I to Washington DC to see the Japanese Cherry Trees in bloom. We walked by a drugstore window where I saw a bright shiny yellow box and said I wanted it. It was a Kodak Instamatic 104 with cartridge film and flash cubes. There I began and continued uninterrupted till my early thirties. During this period, I made my living as a freelance photographer in NYC. At this point I learned mostly on my own. Very much with the incredible photography book series by Andreas Feininger. But also, while pursuing a degree at Arizona State University and courses taken at Phoenix and Scottsdale Community College and SVA in NYC. Additionally, several years working as a photographer’s assistant in NYC where I had the opportunity to work for many amazing photographers. As a freelancer in New York City, I photographed for magazines (BusinessWeek, Forbes, Eastern Airlines etc.), and graphic designers (working on annual reports). As time went on my interest went more towards photojournalism. I went on several trips to Gaza, the West Bank (photographing settlements there), Panama (during the reign of Manuel Noriega), Nicaragua (during the time of the Sandinista Contra conflicts). I made a decision to leave photography at that point and return to college to get a Master’s degree in Social Work. The move into socially relevant work was consistent with the changes going on with me in my photography. I have worked in that field continuously since then. Though, it’s difficult to say how much, my work as a social worker for over 20 years certainly has informed my photography. After about a 20-year hiatus from photographing, I slowly returned to taking pictures. There was a learning curve in becoming proficient in digital photography. I love digital photography. Analog photography is not romantic to me, as it seems to be for many other younger photographers. I just can’t get nostalgic over the scent of acetic acid in an enclosed dark space. As I don’t long for push mowers. I enjoy the immediacy and easily accessible control of digital. Along the way I started to look again at my work from the past. It was interesting to see that the pictures that I most liked at this point in my life were the images that were most like pictures that are done for photojournalism and street photography. And this is the direction that I’ve been going ever since. I also shoot weddings. But I don’t do these in the traditional sense. My weddings are in a documentary wedding photography genre (aka candid). And I enjoy them thoroughly because I pursue them as a street photographer. The amount of emotion that is going on at a wedding is abundant. And this is what I seek to catch on these assignments as well as on the street. Strong emotion.

Mark Zilberman

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Photojournalism, Street, Travel


United States of America

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