Details of a dandylion
A close-up of a dandylion with its seeds, ready to fly away
Sandra Bechtold
Details of a dandylion
A close-up of a dandylion with its seeds, ready to fly away
One Shot Photo Contest
2022Honorable Mention
Non Professional
Details of a dandylion
A close-up of a dandylion with its seeds, ready to fly away
About Artist
Sandra Bechtold
Nature is my inspiration. I capture what I see in black and white photographs, as I walk in the woods or in my garden. I am drawn to the small wonders of nature, particularly flowers. Focusing on the details helps me embrace the abundance of the natural world. I take pictures of what I find without changing them, so that I can preserve their true essence. I show everybody that beauty is everywhere and we can find it close to us, if only we open our eyes and our hearts to it.
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