Dance of the hours
World Photo Annual
Still Life
Dance of the hours
About Artist
Lorena Ruiz Pellicero
Lorena Ruiz Pellicero (1991) is a visual artist, photographer and communicator. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication, Master in Author Photography (EFTI) and Master in Art Production and Research (UB), her works have been presented nationally and internationally, highlighting two solo exhibitions at the CC Guinardó (2022) and the Centre d’Art Can Castells (2021) in Barcelona and in collective exhibitions in spaces such as La Capella (Barcelona, 2024), Pinakothech der Moderne (Munich, 2023), LA SALA (Vilanova, 2022) or Can Basté (Barcelona, 2020). She has been a resident at Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani (Barcelona, 2021), Casa d’Artistes (Menorca, 2022), Lichtenberg Studios (Berlin, 2024) and Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació (Barcelona, 2024). He has also participated in the Art Photo Bcn Fair (Barcelona, 2023) and in festivals such as Encuentraos da Imagem (Braga, 2024), Stripart (Barcelona, 2022) and Proyector Videoarte (Madrid, 2022).
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