Michael Hart

Michael Hart

Chicago Crosswalk Overhead


Black & White Photo Contest





Chicago Crosswalk Overhead

About Artist

Michael Hart

Michael Hart grew up in Indiana, where he got his first paying photo assignment at the age of fifteen. A Texan since 1967, for over forty years he has provided images for leading ad agencies, design firms and corporations from his base in Houston. These assignments have taken him to 49 states (sorry, Delaware) and 35 countries. Recent commercial awards include numerous Gold, Silver, and Bronze “ADDY” awards at the American Advertising Federation local and district level, along with a Silver “ADDY” at the national level in 2018. Recent selections of his personal work have included gallery shows The Visual Arts Alliance 38th Annual Juried Open Exhibition; Black and White Magazine’s “Looking Back-Looking Forward Competition in the Pinhole/Plastic Camera” category; “All About The Light”,“Color”, “Portals”, “Shadows”, “Member’s Show” and “Family” at the SE Center for Photography in Greensboro, SC.; “Patterns & Shadows,” “Architecture,” and “Trees”, at The New York Center for Photographic Art; The 7th Annual Allegany National Photography Competition; “Portals” and “Light” at The A.Smith Gallery in Johnson City, TX.; “Urban Landscape” and “Members Only Show” at The Texas Photographic Society; "Back & White 2018” at The Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO. He is annually featured in The Spider Awards of Black and White Photography, and he is included in their book “The World’s Greatest Black and White Photography.” An up to date list may be found at https://www.hartphoto.com/Awards-&-Exhibitions/1 His commercial samples can be seen at www.hartphoto.com while his personal work is now available for purchase at www.michaelhartfineart.com An amateur bassist and songwriter, his group “The Volume Dealers” recently released a new collection of songs, “Belle Of The Bar,” which features a collaboration with longtime friend Paul English. https://thevolumedealers.hearnow.com He and his wife, well-known Houston vocalist Sharon Montgomery, reside with their dog Popi in the Sunset Heights area of Houston.

Michael Hart

Photographic Areas of Focus

Advertising & Commercial, Aerial, Architecture, Fine Art, Landscapes, Portrait, Travel


United States of America

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