Born in Nagasaki City in 1976, currently lives in Tokyo. After graduating from the Faculty of Law, Tokyo Metropolitan University, he has been producing works on the theme of modern society. He held photo exhibitions such as "DAYS FUKUSHIMA" (2012, Ginza Nikon Salon), "CELL" (2018, Sony Imaging Gallery Ginza), "45 seconds" (2019, Shinjuku nagune gallery). In 2020, he published a photo book "COVID-19 SELF-RESTRAINT, TOKYO" containing photographs of Tokyo where a state of emergency was declared due to the influence of COVID-19. In 2021, his photo book "COVID-19 SELF-RESTRAINT, TOKYO" won the Bronze prize in the Book category of the Paris Photo Prize, and in 2011, his photo series on the Great East Japan Earthquake won the top prize of the Japan Magazine Photo Press Association Award.