Changing professions from construction to acting
Derry Lubell
Changing professions from construction to acting
One Shot Photo Contest
Non Professional
Changing professions from construction to acting
About Artist
Derry Lubell
People fascinate me. I have always been curious about what makes them tick and how they cope with the world. For many years I worked as a psychotherapist, helping traumatized people learn to deal with their emotions. We used words to help them connect their body and soul. Then after an absence of 20 years, I again picked up a camera. I still wanted to be dealing with people, but now I wanted to express visually what I knew verbally - I wanted to replace words with images. In the process, I discovered that as a mature adult, I am even more in love with the photographic process then I was in my early days with film. I always have been drawn to photographing active people who use actions instead of words to express themselves - people who use physicality to communicate and tell their story. With the camera, I translate their narrative, the story that they want and/or need to tell us, into an accessible and universal language. The photo provides a way for the photographer, model and viewer to connect with each other. Taking and sharing photographs connects me in a very tangible way with the people and world around me. I find the process deeply satisfying and endlessly appealing.
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