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Mafe Alizo

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Fine Art, Nature


United States of America


A Sojourner by Trade. I grew up jumping from one town to the other, settling in one place a handful of years, but never enough to feel at home. For years I blamed my parents for this, for not allowing me to root in one place. Always feeling like an outsider, always yearning to belong. The biggest portion of my childhood was spent in Mérida, the mountain State of Venezuela. With the greenest valleys and the highest peaks as my backyard. Immersed in the absolute beauty of nature, I grew to understand that life was always in the absolute unmixed attention of the present moment. 30 years later I understood the gift in this. Not having the constricted boundaries of a set place, forced me to root in the only space that was always there with me. Myself. And with Myself I find happiness again and again. Sitting in the driver seat of my life, enjoying the scenic views that every curve unfolds, I find more and more layers to Self, more and more ways of finding beauty within. Photography is the channel my soul chose to express itself.