The Wheel
An abstract image of part of The Falkirk Wheel.
The Wheel
An abstract image of part of The Falkirk Wheel.
Black & White Photo Contest
Non Professional
The Wheel
An abstract image of part of The Falkirk Wheel.
About Artist
Graham Moon
Underlying my approach to all aspects of my art, albeit sometimes subconsciously, is a compassion and caring for the inhabitants of the natural world and the suffering and injustices imposed upon them and the planet by my fellow humans. This can range from showing an individual of a species in the most appealing and captivating image possible to trying to exhibit the beauty and imperative reliance on a whole landscape or ecosystem. The creative approach to my work varies giving it a more original outcome. Having taken photographs my whole life I feel more complete when I have my camera with me. Often my work evolves from an original concept and becomes something almost unexpected. Sometimes it is inspired by my surroundings, the people, the place and really seeing the moments happening around me that others might not. On other occasions it is inspired by something much deeper, from within, sparked by my own thoughts and feelings to create something for myself that perhaps only a few would understand, even work that others may never see. Each day brings something new to capture, new inspiration with my creative thought processes developing continually. Since a diagnosis of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis resulting in a sporadic reduction in mobility and much of the vision in one eye, together with an associated diagnosis of anxiety and depression, I have become more interested in mental health issues and trying to represent those visually through my work. I have degrees in Ecology and in Education; I love to teach others about photography and the living world around them in the hope that their increased understanding and empathy will generate a more informed and caring approach to the world in their everyday lives. I love to travel and to document other worlds so that visitors to my website and exhibitions can appreciate what they might not otherwise get the opportunity to see for themselves.
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