
Linea Interrupta


Black & White Photo Contest




Non Professional

Linea Interrupta

About Artist

Tom Carroll

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” ---- Henri Cartier-Bresson “What do you care what other people think?” ---- Richard Feynman My photographic career began in the mid-1950s with a Kodak Signet 35 camera, a GE exposure meter, and Kodachrome film (ASA 10 and not to be confused with Kodachrome II). In 1977, the Canon F-1 and A-1 cameras helped me to accumulate a box-car load of slides and prints taken nationally and internationally over the next 30 years. In 2007, the new computer-based tools of digital image processing and relational database management dramatically advanced the art and science of photography for me. Over the years, my imagery has focused on travel, landscape, macro, flower, wildlife, fine-art, black and white, and, during several bouts of cerebral lobar hemorrhage, wedding photography. Two Fujifilm X-T4s and a X100V are my hardware of choice. Over the years, I have given presentations to numerous photography groups that have included topics on the principles of photographic visual design, travel, wildlife, street photography, and photographic workflow. Many of my images have been displayed in local and international photography galleries including the Magnolia Plantation Photography Contest, Landscape Category; the Matca Gallery, Hanoi Exhibition; and the Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm Exhibition, Art of Photography. Additionally, I have had images recognized by, or published in, Shutterbug Magazine, Shots Magazine, BBC-TV, Macphun Photography, the annual international Black & White Photo Contest of reFocus Awards, and the LUX Life Magazine, Burton-on-Trent, England. In recent years, LensWork has published a number of my photographs and projects in LensWork, LensWork Extended, and special series volumes by LensWork Publishing. After 30 years in Minneapolis, I now reside in North Carolina. Tom Carroll Davidson, North Carolina — tomcarroll77@gmail.com — www.TomCarrollPhotography.com — 704-706-2727

Tom Carroll

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Architecture, Astro, Fine Art, Landscapes, Macro, Minimalism, Nature, People, Street, Travel, Wildlife


United States of America

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