Joshua Tree NP Monolith
Saw this beautiful rock formation and cacti in the park near where we were camping. The clouds that afternoon made the image complete.
Geffrard Bourke
Joshua Tree NP Monolith
Saw this beautiful rock formation and cacti in the park near where we were camping. The clouds that afternoon made the image complete.
Black & White Photo Contest
Non Professional
Joshua Tree NP Monolith
Saw this beautiful rock formation and cacti in the park near where we were camping. The clouds that afternoon made the image complete.
About Artist
Geffrard Bourke
Photography has been a passion of mine for over 40 years. Like most people, I started taking pictures of my family vacations with my very first camera, a Fuji XT605n. I definitely caught the photography bug and my interests branched out from family vacations to nature photography, such as landscapes, birds, and flowers; travel photography with the goal of capturing the culture of my destinations; and urban landscapes… street, people, and decay. Since I started with film, I was compelled to learn every aspect of development and at one point had built my own darkroom so that I could process my images. I have, like many, converted to the digital format using Sony equipment. Digital photography allows me a limitless freedom of expression. Each image can be manipulated in multiple ways to express a desired mood or state of mind. I often shoot film which I process at home and then transfer to a digital image. In college, I studied and obtained a degree in graphic arts. These studies aided me in developing perspective and have definitely impacted how I compose my images. I hope you enjoy my galleries, as these are a true expression of how I see our world. Recognitions: Featured in the UK’s for his amazing B&W work of Icelandic horses Awarded and published in Minimalist Photography Awards. Images published in Black & White Magazine, 2021 & 2022, Smartphone Issues Featured in the 2021, Lenswork, Our Magnificent Planet 2021 edition Awarded in Alternative Digital Processes category, Black & White Magazine, Looking Forward–Looking Backward 2022. Interview with Peggy Farren, of Understand Photography, on Why Choose Black and White Photography.
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