ICU TOO Chimpanzee
"The parallel between us"
Jennifere Thompson
ICU TOO Chimpanzee
"The parallel between us"
Black & White Photo Contest
Non Professional
ICU TOO Chimpanzee
"The parallel between us"
About Artist
Jennifere Thompson
Jennifere Thompson is a professional photographer who lives near Brisbane, Australia. Since 2015, Jennifere has travelled worldwide to photograph non-human primates living in their natural environment, wildlife sanctuaries and human-built simulated habitats. Jennifere Thompson admits her favourite animals to photograph are gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans. Through the black and white images, Jennifere invites the viewer to look closely into the eyes of the non-human primate and for the human to see a parallel between themselves and their closest non-human relative.
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