I Hear You
Portrait of Lady taken during travel on new york train
L. Abigail Chua
I Hear You
Portrait of Lady taken during travel on new york train
Black & White Photo Contest
Non Professional
I Hear You
Portrait of Lady taken during travel on new york train
About Artist
L. Abigail Chua
Abigail was born in Manila, Philippines. Her family moved to the United States for a better life and education. Growing up, her friends were from everywhere in the world; religion, race, culture and language were mere descriptions not definitions. Abigail’s childhood was in constant flux between languages, cultures, third and first worlds, on a daily basis. At home, she would sit around the dining table and speak Chinese/ Tagalog with her parents, turn, and speak in English to her siblings and friends. Abigail is a project manager in the construction industry in New York City. As an immigrant, she gives a world view of her passion for visual arts through her photography “the quick shot”. Abigail’s work is about the modern world and our place in it. Light is the foundation and sets the tone of the conversation she captures in an instant, which forces the viewer to come closer to explore for more detail, or to take a step back to understand the full picture. The idea of the “perceived” and the “actual” elicit reactions of fondness that is constant. As an artist she has the unique opportunity to exemplify, subvert, and redefine these concepts.
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