The process of coming together to form one, in this case, the light, the water, the mountains, the color and the whale.
Deborah Macewen
The process of coming together to form one, in this case, the light, the water, the mountains, the color and the whale.
Color Photography Contest
2023Honorable Mention
The process of coming together to form one, in this case, the light, the water, the mountains, the color and the whale.
About Artist
Deborah Macewen
From beautifully composed landscape images to jaw-dropping wildlife images, Deborah MacEwen's photography is undeniably distinguished. She captures shots of nature with an adept knowledge of light, color, composition and heart! Each of her images is the result of many many hours in the field becoming one with nature. "My fundamental goal of my photography is for the viewer to be in awe of, have a greater appreciation for nature, and to inspire others to see the beauty of the world!"
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