Walter Fogel

Walter Fogel

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B-Boys meet Ballett dancer


Black & White Photo Contest





B-Boys meet Ballett dancer

About Artist

Walter Fogel

Curriculum vitae: Born 1954 in Heidelberg Germany 1974 Study at the university Heidelberg Germanistik / Sport 1978 - 80 Assistent by fashion photographer Rudi Goedtler by Onorio Mansutti, by Joachim Würfel 1980 Member at Bund Bildender Künstler Baden - Württemberg 1981 Foundation of my studio for photography in Stuttgart / Babstadt 1990 BFF (Bund freischaffender Fotodesigner) Mitglied 1998 removal of my studio to Angelbachtal Awards since 2000 2004 European all over winner „ONE VISION EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION 2004” with exibition Palais de Tokyo Paris 2005 1. prize of the art competition „ Brot – Form und Symbol“ of the Eiselen Stiftung Museum für Brotkultur Ulm 2006 3.Prize Canon ProFashional Photo Award 2008 2.Prize „Bilder der Forschung“ 2008 Winner of the Acatech Punkt Award 2010 1.Winner CEWE competition movement 2010 Golden Eye B-to-B Photo Award 2011 All over winner of the international Renaissance Photography Prize 2012 Photo Oscar Silber of the german portrait photo competition 2013 Short List Sony World Cup 2014 Hasselblad Masters Finalist 2015 Winner of the Pentax competition „Ideen fördern“ 2016 Winner of the gregor international calendar award with the Pentax „headspin calendar“ 2016 gold medal trierenberg super circuit 2016 First Prize I SHOT IT Street Photography 2019 Award in the European Architectural Photography Competition with exhibition at the Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt 2019 Nomination for the Gregor award with the Camouflage Calendar

Walter Fogel

Photographic Areas of Focus

Advertising & Commercial, Architecture, Fine Art, People, Sports, Street, Travel, Underwater



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