Veronika K Ko's profile pic
Forgotten mothers

Veronika K Ko

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Aerial, Fine Art, Nature


United States of America


I am coming from family of artists (painters, sculptors, composers) and doctors. I love to paint too but I prefer to use my photo camera instead a brush and canvas. Since I was a little, I always loved to take pictures, especially when traveling or at the family gatherings. Photography became my hobby and passion few years ago, when I received a serious DSLR camera for my birthday. I have never studied photography or took classes. When shooting, I am using only my artistic genes and "eye", my intuition and imagination. I am an old fashioned photographer and I don't use Photoshop. I prefer to look for and use natural and real colors and light, although sometimes it takes a lot of time and efforts. I love to be creative and to experiment, using different techniques (panning, icm, e.t.c.) or creating my own. I like to pay attention to detials, elements, patterns. I also like to take pictures of interesting and real people with beautiful minds and souls. I am looking for a beauty everywhere, even in the smallest and sometimes invisible for the others things. I am in love with the Life, with Nature, with our Universe and I prefer to "see" the world in colour and it can be seen in my photos:) With my photography I would like to show how I am seeing the world. Not just the visuals of the scene in front of me but also my feelings and emotions. I would like my photography to give others pleasure, to evoke emotions and to provoke a thought process, to send messages. Messages, that we have to keep our beautiful Earth green, clean and safe; to open our hearts and to show more love and compassion for each other and always try to reveal the Good in the human nature; to love, respect and to protect the nature and the animals-our "brothers and sisters" with which we share our Planet. I started with photography almsot as a joke but it gradually and passionately fascinated me and became a part of my life. It brought me a lot of joy and gave me a "field" for expression. It brought me many pleasant experiences and great emotions, during my travels around the world, and meetings with wonderful people. It also brought me serious success: in just a few years I won several prestigious world photo-compeitions and I was featured and published worldwide in medias, books, magazines, in famous photo-platforms and exhibitions . My pictures are published in 13 National Geographic's books, NatGeo's magazines, in @natgeo, @natgeotravel. I am photographer-contributor for NatGeo's @natgeoyourshot .

Veronika's Awards

Forgotten mothers
2022One Shot Photo Contest

Forgotten mothers


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Black & White Photo Contest

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