I was introduced to analogue photography as a kid by my father and with ups and downs, I've fiddled with cameras since the young age. In 1993 I moved from Genova - where I was born in 1974 - to Milano to attend university; soon after my arrival in town I was involved in my first film production job, and at the end of my second year I quit economics to pursue a career in the film production industry. For almost 20 years I have worked as a producer for TV shows and ADV and a director for broadcast and web documentaries and series; throughout this whole time, I regarded to photography as a sort of visual sketchbook. It was around 10 years ago that I stepped into professional photography as a sport and landscape photographer on golf courses, and on those very locations I started exploring the reign of invisible light. In the following years I have experimented with IR and architecture, and how IR light responds to different materials and light conditions. Between 2015 and 2018 I have produced two extensive series on Milan’s and Rome’s iconic buildings. In 2017 I started traveling around the world and experimenting IR photography with different atmospheric and light conditions in the Middle East, South America, Central and Eastern Asia. I have produced a consistent body of work mainly focused on Architecture and Minimal Landscape. I have recently started working on IR Portraits and artificial light sources applied to Infrared Photography. At present day, Infrared Photography is at the heart of my work.