Matthias Brandt aka YAMAKASINO is an up-and-coming artist from Berlin (Germany) , who is attracting worldwide attention with his unique interpretation of minimalist architectural photography. He is among the winners of international art prizes such as the “Minimalist Photo Award”, the “Chromatic Award” and the “Cewe Photo Award”. With an eye that stems from his roots as a graffiti artist in his youth, he sees urban landscapes less as a motif but more as a canvas. He captures his visual discoveries in a first draft with his camera, after which he produces color-intensive digital paintings in a contemporary sense in his studio. In doing so, YAMAKASINO delves deep into the essence of architecture to reveal its hidden beauty. The special selection of image sections, the play with contrasting surface shapes and colors as well as the artful color design result in an interesting synthesis of artistic aspects: Brutalism meets Pop Art. In this way, YAMAKASINO creates new minimalist perspectives and reveals a world beyond the obvious. His works become a mirror that reveals the soul of architecture and invites viewers to recognize beauty where it was previously hidden under the grey veil of urban concrete masses.
Matthias YAMAKASINO's Awards