I’m a street photography addict, and my drug is capturing the world around me. Since 2014, I’ve been walking thousands of miles in cities, documenting my unique perspective on life. My years as a street mime have really shaped my photographic style. I’m trained to anticipate and respond to human behavior, making people laugh and creating memorable moments. So, it’s no surprise that many of my street photos are quirky, funny, and satirical. But why do I take these photos? I see so many people walking around urban centers, completely lost in their phones or music. They’re not really present or living in the moment. I hope my photos are a wake-up call for them. I want people to look at my photos and think, ‘Maybe I should spend less time on my phone and more time observing the world around me.’ You’ll likely see some of my photos in the award winners and finalists of national and international street photography competitions. My photos have also been featured in magazines and books. You can find more details in the Awards, Publications, and Group Shows sections. As for what’s next for me, I’m hoping to publish a book (or zine), work on more photo projects, participate in more gallery exhibitions, and secure more commercial work where street photography is the style. I recently joined the Candid City Street Photography Collective, which is made up of talented photographers based in the San Francisco Bay Area.