Dimitris Kleanthis's profile pic
Abandoned gas station

Dimitris Kleanthis

Photographic Areas of Focus

Architecture, Interiors, Landscapes, Travel




Born in 1985, Athens, Greece. Since 2012, after completing studies in International and European Relations(University of Pireaus), Criminology(Panteion University) and Photography(Athens Photocircle, International Center of Photography in New York), I’ve dedicated myself to photography, as a profession and a means of personal expression. Professionally I specialize in architectural photography but also accept editorial and company profile commissions. In my personal work, other than my special interest in architecture and the urban landscape, I explore the form and ambience of everything through photography and video. I have collaborated with many architectural offices in Greece and abroad, with companies like Airbnb Luxe and Microsoft and my work, both professional and personal has been featured in various magazines and media such as Wallpaper*, VICE, Conde Nast Traveller, Archdaily, and Athens Voice among many others.

Dimitris's Awards

Abandoned gas station
2023Color Photography Contest

Abandoned gas station

Honorable Mention

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