Derrick Buckner
Photographic Areas of Focus
Architecture, Astro, Film/Analog, Fine Art, Landscapes, Macro, Nature, Street, Wildlife
United States of America
Photography has been something I have enjoyed for decades, but here in the past year or so it has become a passion. It started with me finding my old Canon A-1 film camera that I've had since I was 12. I dusted it off and got some film for it and down the rabbit hole I went! I still use my trust Canon A-1 but mostly shoot medium format on my Pentax 67 and Hasselblad 500c. Film appeals to me for two specific reasons. One, is that it allows me to use old analog cameras which I really enjoy. There is something special about using a fully mechanical camera and having to plan and think about your exposure and the story you are trying to tell. Not to say you can not do the same with digital, which I do, but with older film cameras without automatic settings or priority settings or even a light meter, you are forced to. Second, I love the physical aspect of film. I enjoy having a tangle item from my photography outside of a print. I also enjoy the esthetic you can get from film that is often replicated but it is not always the same. My journey with film and photography as a whole has forced me to be more creative and be more technical which appeals to the engineering side of me. I capture the world around me, focusing on light and shadow, depth and texture. I don't think I have really niched down but landscape and nature photography is what I do most of and enjoy the most, especially macro. I plan on dabbling and have started to try my hand in other areas such as street and portrait photography. In the end, I do all of this for the enjoyment of it and the peace it brings me.