Cindy Cone's profile pic
To the Sun

Cindy Cone

Photographic Areas of Focus

Macro, Nature, Travel, Wildlife


United States of America


I’m a wildlife photographer based in Florida. I spent my career in the public education arena - as a classroom teacher, administrator and consultant, but my interest in photography and conservation issues followed a parallel course, in a more informal way. Many summers found me backpacking in our national parks, my Pentax SLR always in hand. My conservation and photographic interests expanded as I volunteered on Earthwatch Expeditions in Bolivia, Brazil, Kenya and Costa Rica. Along the way, I've received numerous juried awards and been published in magazines, books and digital media, but ultimately, my goal is just to continue to learn, experiment and improve my own techniques. So, today, I continue my journey as a student and teacher of photography and an advocate for conservation.