Anna Wacker's profile pic

Anna Wacker

Photographic Areas of Focus

Architecture, Fine Art, Minimalism, Street




Embarking on my photographic journey, I began by capturing anything that sparked my curiosity. However, amidst the diverse subjects, I found my lens gravitating towards the intricate world of architecture. Perhaps it was a reflection of an unfulfilled dream to become an architect myself. Immersing myself in this visual narrative, I became captivated by the delicate interplay of functionality and aesthetics within architectural marvels. Each structure told a unique story through lines, shapes, and shadows, and I found myself drawn to the artistry embedded in these constructions. My palette varies from colourful impressions to expressive black and white photographs. What fascinated me most was the ability of my lens to transcend reality. Through my photographs, I discovered the power to reshape and reinterpret the world of architecture, presenting it in a way that went beyond mere representation. This journey, fueled by a passion for both the tangible and the abstract, continues to be a source of endless inspiration.

Anna's Awards

Symphonic Geometry
2023Black & White Photo Contest


Symphonic Geometry

Honorable Mention

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